Sunday 27 January 2013

Day #065 Chicken Giblets

I have had great fun with all of your suggestions for #requestsunday, a mini competition I held from my sick bed (chair) this week! Some of the suggestions were more achievable than others, I had to choose from: an icicle, a ball bearing, some lace, a tea strainer, salt and pepper pots, morph, a pineapple on a plinth, a horse with hands hanging like a sloth, ear with headphones in, pixie hat, lowly worm, golden spaceship, chicken giblets, and angel, spectacles and a Thorvertones badge.

I chose Michelle Jones's chicken giblets, well, I chose the neck and have hung it from the washing line. Like you do. Sounds much more sinister than I had expected. I chose it because we are having chicken dinner today and painting meat is fun!

More #requestsundays soon!


Unknown said...

Thanks Dan for picking me as the winner. Great interpretation of my suggestion. The result looks fab :)

Dan Young said...

Cheers! Great suggestion and it just fit today, in lots of ways!