Sunday, 28 February 2010

#97 Jam Doughnut

Ahhhh jam favourite.....such a tempatation not to eat more of it while painting, eating it now though. Watercolour and pencil 29cm x 19cm click here to bid.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

#96 A Weed

Nearly on top of the allotment, its only taken three years! Been weeding the edge today in hopes of keeping the weeds at bay. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Friday, 26 February 2010

#95 Blood Orange

I was about to bite into this quarter of blood orange and suddenly realised I was going to eat tonights subject before I had even decided it was tonights subject. Phew. watercolour and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

#94 Pasta

Penne pasta with sweet chilli mayonaise to be exact, mmm mmm thank you Mr Morrison! Watercolour and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

#93 Three Nuts

Believe it or not these are left over from christmas, they found thier way to the bottom of a bowl that got filled up with various personal effects! Watercolour and pencil 29cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

#92 Kiwi Fruit

I saw this in the fruit bowl and had an overwhelming urge to paint it with its fuzzy skin. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Monday, 22 February 2010

#91 Apple Core

Now then, technically I ate this apple yesterday while I painted the Ginger, but I was painting the ginger so it couldnt have been yesterdays subject but, I did find it today in the studio which is why I am ok and dont have to change the name of the project to 'Dan Young, Yesterday'! Watercolout and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

#90 Ginger

Chinese slow roast pork for our Chinese new year themed sunday roast! The Ginger was the best looking ingredient so I painted it! Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

#89 Stick and a Stone

Sticks and stone will break my bones...and so will the walk we did today where I collected this hawthorn twig and little bit of cotswold stone. We didnt account for the steep icy though! Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Friday, 19 February 2010

#88 Hot Water Bottle Stopper

Turned cold again hasn't it? Watercolour and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

#87 Capo

I have been looking for this for ages. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm, click here to bid.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

#86 Rubber Band Ball

I haven't talked much about the rules of this project for a while, they arent hard or fast! But, one unwritten rule (they are all unwritten) is that I wont paint the same object twice in the year but as you have seen over the last 86 days I have painted a few things in watercolour that I painted last year in oil paint. Tonight I have broken that rule becasue The post office rubber band that I painted last night has now joined his grubby pinky red chums in my rubber band ball I have been working on for some years now. Watercolour and Pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

#85 Elastic Band

Given how much the post Office has been involved with my daily painting project, when I spotted this elastic band on our doorstep I had to paint it, even though I doubt an elastic band has been used to contain any paintings in transit. (I have also had a couple of things go awry in the postal system over the last couple of weeks so, they have been on my mind a little.) Watercolour and Pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Monday, 15 February 2010

#84 Gherkin

I have very slowly started to grow to like gherkins and now I love em! Watercolour and Pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

#83 Five Chocolates

Happy Valentines day, I love you all! As you can see I have painted 5 choccies I have done that we can eat them! Watercolour and Pencil 29cm x 19cm click here to bid.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

#82 3.5 mm to 1/4 inch Stereo Jack adaptor

I painted one of these in oil paint on day #2 of the first year of this project. So, I thought it about time I painted it again! Watercolour and Pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Also, I think I have sorted out a problem with the survey so, if you didn't take it the first time around please click here to take it again...thank you if you did it before and thank you if you are about to do it!

Friday, 12 February 2010

#81 Two Slides

Don't get excited its not playground slides! These are my two guitar slides for when I pretend to be a 1920's style bluesman, I used to used a broken bottle neck but over the years I have had various health and safety training and after I had risk assessed my guitar playing I decided to go for the metal variety. Plus I cut myself on the broken glass one. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

#80 Cupcake

Yesterday the Fine Art students at work ( held a cake sale to raise money for their degree show. Inspired by this and seeing they had some cakes left over I have painted one of them for this evenings painting. All proceeds from the sale of this one will go towards the Pittville Degree show in June so have a bid on this painting, even if you don't like cake, and know you are helping out a fine bunch of art students! Instead of the normal deal where you would be bidding on paintings to help out a ex fine art student ;) (me!). Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.
oh yeah it was going to be two cakes but I ate one! Hence the crumbs...

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

#79 A Chipping from an Anish Kapoor Sculpture

This little shard of painted rock has a wonderful little story, and I am going to tell it now. In about 1990 (or so) Debbie spent her work experience with the technicians working for the british sculptor Anish Kapoor. This is a piece that was chipped off one of the sculptures she worked on (through the construction process not once the piece was finished I hasten to add!) Debbie's job was to colour the rocks with the blue pigment you see on this piece. Now I have painted the painted rock, which was painted by Debbie Spencer for Anish Kapoor...neat. Watercolour and Pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

#78 Humbug

I am not sure if this is a Humbug or an Everton Mint answers on a postcard please (or use the comments box!) Watercolour and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Monday, 8 February 2010

#77 Garlic

Simple one tonight! I made Beef stir fry and this is the garlic I didn't use. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

#76 A Cowboy on Horseback

After last nights excitement a calm day buying and starting to install loft insulation (on offer at B and Q!) What fun, my knees hurt but I am about a quarter done..soon there will lots of space to move freely and store things in! While removing some old bits of rag tag floorboard I discovered a marvellous collection of small plastic toys this cowboy was one of them, lovely green! Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

#75 Tape and Dressing

We were having such a lovely day, visiting friends, having friends visit us, walking in the woods looking at lovely drifts of snowdrops watching the Rugby and thouroughly enjoying the English beating the Welsh, but then...disaster struck and our beutifully relaxing evening went down (or up?) the swanny, or three hours in casualty. An expletive uttered from the kitchen was the first I knew about Debbies unfortunate collision of knife, leek and finger. Don't be alarmed, dear reader (especially Debbies Mum), she still has most of her thumb, its just the tip of it that is missing, but Doug at Cheltenham hospital assures her it will become rounded again, in time. Of course, as the evening drew on there was some concern over my daily painting and whether we would be out of casualty in you can see we were..phew. watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Friday, 5 February 2010

#74 Two Fish Fingers

Guess what we had for tea tonight...go on guess..go on. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

#73 Rawlplug and Screw

Named after John Joseph Rawlings the inventor of the wall or Rawlplug, I have painted one of them and a screw. I also thought some of you might be interested (after my clue last night) to know I have a little series of Red Roses available here in my new little shop click here to visit. Watercolour and pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

#72 Rose Petal

This is a great excuse to let Carmine red watercolour paint do its thing. I have also been painting a series of rose paintings over the last couple of days...but more of that tomorrow.. or later tonight ...but probably tomorrow... mmm we'll see..! Watercolour and Pencil 14cm x 9cm click here to bid.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

#71 Lamb Toy

After the big ole' giraffe yesterday I wanted to paint this tiny tiny lamb, it is very very small only just over a centimetre tall. Watercolour and pencil 19cm x 14cm click here to bid.

Monday, 1 February 2010

#70 Toy Giraffe

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!!! It is my nephews birthday today and he absolutely loves Giraffes hence painting one tonight, I have also uploaded this to 'One Million Giraffes' which is a great project in which a guy in norway is attempting to collect a million handmade giraffes...go on do one for him. Watercolour and pencil 29cm x 19cm click here to bid.